Lee’s Farm Site Plan.

The conceptual site plan to the left can be expanded by clicking on it. The plan locates single-family homes on the east side of Lee’s Farm adjacent to the existing neighbors on Spruce Street. The multi-family homes are located on the corner of E. 136th and Quebec Street. The entire site is interlaced with 1.25 miles of new trails, pedestrian-friendly walkways, parks, green-space, and natural lands. 29% of the entire Lee’s Farm development area will be dedicated to the City of Thornton for open space and recreation lands.

27J School District Impact.

27J Schools has worked closely with the Lee’s Farm team to fully understand who is likely to live in the new community and to ensure the District infrastructure anticipates the new students who will live in the neighborhood. Click the letter to the right to read the District’s analysis and existing capacity.

To understand the fee calculation for Lee’s Farm’s financial contributions to the District, click here. The District’s fee structure changes from time to time and the Lee’s Farm team continues to work closely with 27J to make sure the project’s contribution amounts are up to date.

Multi-family Homes.

Lee’s Farm, consistent with the City of Thornton Comprehensive Plan, includes a diversity of housing types including multi-family homes. To deliver the best possible experience for residents, Continental Properties has been selected to be the multi-family home operator. Continental Properties is an award-winning owner/operator with years of local experience along the Front Range.

Traffic Impact Study

The Lee’s Farm team retains and works closely with SM Rocha LLC, a leading traffic and transportation consultant, to understand the existing traffic and roadway conditions surrounding the project site and to ensure the proposed new roads and intersections are designed to readily accommodate traffic from new residents. The report shared here has been presented to the City of Thornton. Click here to download the complete study.